It won’t be by our well-said prayers
And cleverly crafted speech
How well we recite scripture
Or the message that we preach
It won’t be by the cross we wear
Displayed for all to see
It won’t be by the songs we know,
Sung in or out of key
It won’t be by a slogan
By name or reputation
It won’t be by our bank account
Or size of our donation
It won’t be by our bumper stickers
By which we will be known
The logo on a t-shirt
Or ring tone on a phone
It won’t be by our steeples
Or who’s voted into power
The status on our Facebook
That we update every hour
It won’t be by a megaphone
From the corner of a street
Or how cleverly we say it,
How blatant or discreet
It won’t be by our potlucks
With green bean casserole
No matter how fulfilling
That will never fill the soul
It won’t be by appearance
How well we might be dressed
Nor by the tattooed scriptures
Inscribed upon one’s chest
It won’t be by what we tithe
Though, giving, it is good
Yet, it won’t be by our goodness
Let this be understood
It won’t be by what we’re against
Or even what we’re for
The list of dos and don’ts we keep
It’s known by so much more
So, how will they know, you ask?
What must I be mindful of?
They will know that we are Christians
Yes, they’ll know us by our love.
